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Section 3.3: Additional Details

Please refer to the guidelines for video, poster, and banner before submitting. You may submit them later on or before 31st May 2024 after registration.

Past Awards Received for This Invention

  • Fill in your past awards in the Past Awards Received for This Invention (if any) Please note that this is for our reference only and will not be shared with the jury.

Invention Website URL

  • Let us know if you have an Invention Website URL (if any). This will be shared in the directory.

Promotional Video URL

  • If you have a Promotional Video URL (if any), please share it with us.
    • This may be shared in the directory.

Pitch Video URL

  • Please share your Pitch Video URL (if any).
    • The video will NOT be shown to the Public or listed on the directory.
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