
All certificates issued by WorldInventTM Singapore are accredited by the European Academy of Science.

A World’s First

None of the certificates issued in the invention shows globally before 2020 are accredited. These certificates are issued by the organizers without regulations, and the standard can vary from one show to another. As a result, not all universities and academic bodies recognize these certificates. In May 2019, our founder TAN Wei Kok met with the President of the European Academy of Science (EAN), Baroness Snjezana Rajacic, in Lisbon. TAN shared his visions and thoughts on innovation and the future of education with her. Baroness Snjezana is impressed. They agreed to work together to help the innovators. TAN proposed EAN be the official academia to monitor the jury panel, and all certificates issued by TAN’s events need approval from EAN. Today, WorldInventTM is among the first shows in the world to award accredited certificates by EAN.

The Importance of Accreditation

There is a growing global call for education reforms. The education system that we know today has existed for over 200 years. It is beginning to show its limitations and its flaws in modern times.

Under the current system, our brightest students will be replaced by artificial intelligence in less than 20 years, said TAN in November 2014 during Data Innovation for Policy Makers organized by the UN. The future will belong to the problem solvers and innovators, not the ones that can memorize textbooks. By accrediting our certificates, we took the first step to change, the first step to recognize our innovators academically, and the first step to make a difference for those that want to pursue a better education.