10 July 2024 in News

Congratulatory Message From Politehnica University of Bucharest

Prof Augustin 2024
As it is widely known, organizing an event requires a tremendous amount of work and attention to every detail.

It is worth thanking the organizers for their commitment and work put into arranging the WorldInvent Singapore 2024 event: President TAN Wei Kok & his team!

GOOD LUCK! See you again next year!

Prof Augustin SEMENESCU
University Habilitatus Professor Doctor Engineer, Mathematician and Economist, UPB
Member of the American Romanian Academy for Arts and Science (ARA), USA-RO
Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOȘR), Romania, Europe
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, UPB
International Relations and Student Relations, UPB
*UPB - Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, Europe

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